
custom railings

Exterior railings have more than one function. Aside from the safety of your patio, railings dress your decor in a unique way by adding an aesthetic cachet. Terra Patio not only offers you safe railings, but we also offer you top quality railings that will add an elegant touch to your decor.

This material offers many benefits to the consumer. When you choose an aluminum railing, you are choosing a product that will satisfy you for many years to come. This is one of the main advantages of choosing an aluminum railing for your project. Aluminum ramps are very safe, weather resistant and can withstand heavy loads. They have also successfully passed the load tests of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec. In addition to being durable, aluminum is a product that does not rust. Choosing an aluminum ramp is opting for long-term peace of mind because they require little or no maintenance.

Glass railings are trendy! They harmonize with your style, your environment while creating an expression of space. Opt for a safe and durable design, without obstructing the view. They are also designed to be resistant to the Quebec climate. Glass railings are a great investment for your property while meeting custom needs and budgets. A ramp that will add character to your project.

reliable and safe

In terms of safety, outdoor railings are the best solution for securing your property. Around the pool or your patio, ramps are essential and now mandatory in most cities in Quebec. We have several materials available to design quality ramps.

Trust the safety of your landscaping to the Terra Patio team.

Rampes Aluminium pour patios